Who we are?
CoinGym is a fast, unlimited and fully transparent cryptocurrency exchange created in 2019 by a team of professionals that aims to provide its users with a unique cryptocurrency exchange experience by creating an intuitive, simple and admin-friendly interface for institutional traders and beginners. Dont bother with CEX and DEX - use {0}.
Our mission
The admin always comes first for us, thats why the main mission of {0} is to be a reliable provider of exchange products and other services for users of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
10000+ transactions
CoinGym provides the best exchange rate and transparent fee structure with no hidden fee.
11387 users
trust us
Users stay with us as CoinGym strives to meet and support everyones unique needs.
48 partners growth with us
{0} offers comprehensive solutions and set of tools to meet the needs of partners.
We are technologies
Our team was the first on the market to develop and implement unique multi-channel exchange capabilities between CEX and DEX with calculation of all possible details. Our users do not need to manually conduct numerous exchanges to buy, sell, trade and invest tokens that have not yet listed on major CEX or are going to stay exclusively on DEX platforms, as proven CoinGym algorithms have come to the rescue to save your precious time and simplify this process.
We are safety
CoinGym is half a DeFi project and half a custodial solution, so we strive to comply with all morally correct regulations in order to provide protection and security to users, which is one of the main priorities of our team, and to continue to develop the blockchain industry primarily in terms of technology and capabilities, which is why we have implemented advanced tools to keep all the above aspects and privacy of our customers
We are stability
CoinGym has ensured that all algorithms and systems are fully tested so that users do not have errors and misunderstandings while using the products. We also provide 24/7 customer support in the most convenient way and we remain partial to any question, you can be sure you are contacting a live expert who is competent in CoinGym services and blockchain technologies. Your every message and action is the most important experience for us.
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